Approved by Pharmacy Council of India New Delhi
Siya Ram Ganga Prasad Pharmacy College



At glance

Siya Ram Ganga Prasad Pharmacy College is established based on the concept of ‘Knowledge is Power’ because a person with concrete knowledge knows how to control various situations in life with confidence.

The curriculum of each programme is designed with a keen eye for detail by giving emphasis on hands-on training, industry relevance, social significance, and practical applications. The College tries to give education that meets the global standards.

Teaching Methodology

Teachers play a very important role in the life of each student and the professors also help their students to develop their skills in their concerned field of study. Siya Ram Ganga Prasad Pharmacy College follows a blended teaching methodology in which lectures, group discussions, seminars, and digital tools are used to impart quality education to the students. The learning capabilities of the students are reviewed periodically and curative actions will be taken if required. The students are assessed on various qualitative parameters to enhance the teaching-learning process.

Women Empowerment

Women empowerment brings a positive impact on the society. Siya Ram Ganga Prasad Pharmacy College strongly supports the education of women because we believe in women empowerment for the betterment of society. By giving importance to women education, we can transform communities. Women education increases the standards of society as a whole. It is high time to avoid gender bias in the field of education and Siya Ram Ganga Prasad Pharmacy College always take positive measures to bring in gender equality in higher education.

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